Shame on me...but I have good excuses!! Busy with work, busy with life and just plain ole lazy!
So, I have joined a new blog group The Cake Slice and I am excited!
The Cake Slice picks a book and for a year we bake the recipes out of it.
The good thing is its only once a month. Tuesdays with Dorie was wearing on me with the every Tuesday baking....sometime, alot of times life is in the fast lane for me and I cant stop everything to bake every single Tuesday....sometimes I have other orders going on and alot of times I dont have some ingredients that the recipe calls for....and trust me the last thing I want to do is go to the store in search of these I think this once a month baking will work out just fine with me!
I have had quite a bit of orders over the past month and one of them was for 45 cookies for Dia De Los Muertos. My friend Helene wanted that them for her Clothing Sale and she also ordered another 45 for Halloween. Here's my